Create Text Effect : Tutorial

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Spectacular Flaming Meteor Effect.

In previous tutorials you've seen two smoke effects that I've created, but let's face it, you can't have smoke without a fire somewhere. So in this tutorial, I will show you how to create a fire effect similar to when a spaceship or comet enters the earth's atmosphere. The image we'll be creating is inspired by a Nike Ad I saw some time ago. I'm not sure what the URL is. If anyone knows it, please link us up in the comments.
It's always a good idea to keep your eyes open for inspiration for effects and designs no matter what you are doing. Graphics are everywhere and you can learn a lot by looking at what other people do. Now on to the tutorial!

Amazing Photoshop light effect in 10 Steps

When I added a “buy me a coffee” featured on my blog I decided to use an image I had done when I was showing my cousin how to do the Magic effect. Instead of using a hat I used a coffee cup and the process is basically the same, however this time I will explain it in more details.

Transparent Glass Lettering in Photoshop.

In this tutorial, we're going to use some super layer effects and a bit of extra magic to make a lettering style that looks transparent and stunning. Because there is so much use of layer styles, you need to download the sample PSD from the link at the bottom of the tutorial in order to follow along.

Step 1:

To begin this tutorial, we'll first give ourselves a nice background gradient. Now while most gradients are two-color, in Photoshop you can actually make much more complex gradients by clicking on the Gradient icon in the top left. You'll get a panel showing the gradient and you can add more colors to it. In this case, I've used three colors to make a gradual change from green to a set of blues.
Multi-color gradients can make for a stunning background. I've used a Radial Gradient and centered it to the bottom right.

Spectacular Grass Text Effect in Photoshop.

Ever wanted to make text out of grass? Well with Photoshop you can. In this tutorial we'll create a rather cool-looking grass-text effect using a photo of grass, the Pen Tool and a bit of patience.
This is the first of a five-part set of tutorials where we'll use Photoshop to make text out of all sorts of things. So let's get ready to Photoshop!
Step 1: Background
This tutorial is made up of three parts—the background, the text itself, and some final extra effects. So first of all we're going to make a background. To do this we create a new document in Photoshop. I made mine 1920 x 1200 because I want this image to sit on my laptop background.
We start by drawing a Radial Gradient with the Gradient Tool (G) going from a light yellow-green (#adbf41) to a mid-range green (#328a26). I wonder if I've ever written a tutorial that doesn't start with a radial gradient. :-)

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