Create Futuristic : Tutorial Pack

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How Create Futuristic Orb Photoshop

Good afternoon everyone today were going to be creating a futuristic orb style wallpaper/image. First we’ll be creating a nice blue glassy orb, then we’ll go onto creating some flawlessy shiney metal surrounding. The quality of the end result will be high, although might not look so on my images due to them being .GIF’s. Right lets get started.

Firstly create a new document the size you want the image, i’m going to be using “800×600 pixels” with a “transparant background”. Set your forground color to #373737 and background color to #181818, goto “filter > render > clouds”
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How Create Glowing Orb With Dial Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial we’ll be experimenting with layers and styles to create a cool glowing orb and dial effect. This tutorial is written with an intermediate to advanced user in mind but I think anyone who knows their way around Photoshop shouldn’t have a problem reproducing this effect.

Lets dive in and get rockin’! If you’re going to follow along at home I suggest you name your layers the same as mine so it’ll be easier to follow along.

I’m starting with a document size of 540×400 at 72ppi and I’ve laid down a radial gradient in the background from #242427 to #005400.
On a new layer which I’ll name Base I’ve created a perfectly round Elliptical Selection 390×390px and filled it with #2F323A and deselected. At this point I’m going to press Command-A (PC: Ctrl-A) to select the entire canvas, then V to switch to the Move tool. Using the Align Horizontal Centers and Align Vertical Centers buttons in the Move tool options bar at the top of Photoshop I’m going to center the circle on the stage. This step is very important because everything in the layers above will also use this centering technique to insure symmetry. So when I tell you to "Center" an object later in the lesson, you’ll know what I mean. Got it? Good.   Read more. . . 

How to Create a Shiny Button

The shiny button is widely used in web 2.0 style websites. The following tutorial will show, how to create a Shiny Button using gradients, selection tools, and basic transform operations. Let's have some fun with this.  Read more . .

How to create a portable media player in Photoshop.

In this tutorial you will learn how to design a product in Photoshop. The product is a RCA Lyra X3030 portable media player. Although the chances are, you are thinking "why would I need to make it?", the reason for this tutorial is to teach people the techniques used for mocking up a product design.                   Read more . .

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